As a corporate travel agency, we like to know what business travellers are all about. We found this brief article about a survey done on corporate business traveler and thought we’d share the insight.

MORE THAN 75 percent of Americans prefer travelling with colleagues over flying solo when travelling for business, according to a nationwide survey conducted by Comfort Hotels.

Comfort, Choice Hotels International’s upper-midscale brand, conducted the survey among 1,100 Americans for better understanding of how travel impacts their work relationships.

The survey results underline the value of the "work family" and reveals that 60 percent of respondents are willing to sacrifice a raise to work with the colleagues they like.

Almost 65 percent consider work relationships as important as their relationships at home, while 59 percent agreed they spend either the same or more time with their work colleagues as they do with their families at home.

A majority, 86 percent, said they keep in touch with former colleagues.

We’re inclined to agree that colleagues that travel together are happier. Book your next business trip (with your work bestie) through TravelManor - they get you.

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